When Women Pray
As a young girl I witnessed my grandmother praying on her knees in her bedroom or with her head bowed at the kitchen table talking to the Lord. Through her example, she taught me that there is nothing that we cannot discuss with God and that there is nothing too big for God to handle. My grandmother drilled into me that it was not the praying that God honored but rather the faith we have that he will answer our prayers. The definition of prayer is basically a dialogue between you and God. It goes two ways; we can express our thoughts as well as listen to how he responds. What I have learned about prayer is that he may not come when I want him, but he will be there right on time. He is an on-time God. He has perfect timing: never early, never late. We must trust and believe that God always will bring us through whatever situation we may be faced with.
The book of Matthew in the bible tells us where two or three are gathered in my (Jesus) name, there am I with them. With knowing that, can you imagine what would happen when a group of women comes together to close out Women’s History Month and pray for the blessings of God upon families, communities, and the world? The world, as well as our country, continue to have tough times, we are experiencing war, financial institutions closing, post-pandemic pandemonium, global warming, Black-on-Black crime, and the continuation of various legislative rights being challenged. When we are at a personal, professional, emotional, or spiritual crossroads and unclear about what direction to take or what to do next, the answer is always prayer. There is power in prayer.
A dear friend of mine, Rhonda Carter, is committed to making a difference in the lives of those she knows and cares about. One of the ways she has done this is once a year bringing a group of women together to pray and thank God for the blessings, he so graciously bestows upon us while also praying for healing and delivery from the things that plague us. The theme of her prayer brunch this year is “Say Grace” and she invited me to be this year’s speaker. When she asked me to seek God’s face and share with the women about the power of prayer, the first place I knew I had to go was on my knees to seek his guidance. I have personally experienced the power of prayer numerous times in my life. I am fortunate and blessed to be married to a man who also believes in prayer and together every night on our knees while holding hands we pray. We go to our heavenly father and worship and adore him, confess our sins, thank him for his many blessings, and intercede for family, friends, and others. This is one of the best marital habits any couple could ever have.
I have always been confused by the concept of atheism, which is the disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God. They say atheists come in three varieties: the nonreligious, the nonbelievers, and the agnostic. In my life, I know God exists because of his wonderful creation of the earth and us as human beings, also through the perfection of his word the Bible, and through my personal experience with him. When I pray, I speak to him and when I read my bible he speaks to me. What a wonderful privilege we have to be able to dialogue with the almighty where and whenever we chose. My husband tells people all the time “please pray for me because I need the prayers and you need the practice.”
I truly believe that when women come together to pray, mountains will move, walls will come down, and results will happen. #women #prayer #CoachWendy #SeasonofGreatness #SOG
Healing Without Hate: It’s a choice. It’s a lifestyle. Pass it on.
Visit www.WendyGladney.com and www.forgivingforliving.org to learn more. Wendy is a life strategist, coach, consultant, author, and speaker.