Is It Time For You To Do A Spirit Check?

Wendy Gladney
3 min readMay 18, 2020


My daughter and I have been together during the “Stay at Home” order due to COVID-19. The other day she suggested that we watch the Michelle Obama documentary, “Becoming: An Intimate Conversation with Michelle Obama” on Netflix and my spirit came alive. I was crying and smiling throughout the entire film. I remember when her book came out and how we all ran to the bookstores to purchase it and when she began to do her national tour we hoped to be one of the lucky people that would be selected through the lottery system to purchase a ticket. For some of us, she will forever be our First Lady. Her spirit gives us hope and I still can hear her say, “When they go low, we go high.”

Stephen Colbert was one of the moderators on Ms. Obama’s “Becoming” tour and he was featured in the documentary. One of the comments he shared was how he misses “having someone in the White House that talks about hope.” I think in today’s current circumstances we could all use a little hope right now. The definition of hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. What are you hoping for? What are you expecting during this pandemic? We know this is a reality and we are smack dab in the middle of it all. What will lift your spirit? Our spirit is the part of us that ignites our emotions and character. Some even see our spirit as part of our soul. Our spirit feeds into our very core and character.

We are going through times where we are seeing the best and the worst in people. Are we going to focus on the positive or the negative? What feeds your spirit? People are often willing to sacrifice essentials if there is something that nurtures them and feeds their soul (spirit). Do you know what that “something” is for you? There are many examples that prove this case. The mini-series, “The English Game,” tells the story of the invention of football in England. The story shows how poor struggling people were willing to give their hard-earned money for the hope of the game and to see the team they were rooting for stay in the game and compete. Can you think of anything you have sacrificed or given up because whatever you invested in gave you hope? Hope feeds our spirit and it helps us avoid focusing on things that do not really matter. It helps us focus on what we (mankind) have in common versus our differences.

I consider myself an upbeat person. I wake up just about every day with a positive attitude and I look forward to seeing what the day will bring. For me, the glass is always half full versus half empty, but this quarantine has forced me to check my spirit. Although I have not experienced being depressed through this quarantine, I do know people who have; and I understand. It is said there are different stages of grief and many of us have been grieving in one way or another. In checking my spirit, I do have to remind myself where my hope lies, and I remember that God is still in control.

Take some time to think about what feeds your soul. How is your spirit these days? What ignites you and gives you hope, especially during these tough times? If you are not sure, then think about what makes you get excited and gives you energy. What are you willing to sacrifice for because you know it feeds you, sustains you, and even gives you joy? Now is the perfect time to do a little introspection. It may even start from watching a movie, reading a book, or a conversation with someone who adds wind to your sail. #coachwendy #seasonofgreatness

Healing Without Hate: It’s a choice. It’s a lifestyle. Pass it on!

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Wendy Gladney
Wendy Gladney

Written by Wendy Gladney

Coach, Consultant, Speaker & Author. Graduate of UCLA (Political Science). Ambassador of Forgiveness, Global Citizen. &

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