Anointed Feet Going to Keep on Dancing
My husband and I recently had a most enjoyable evening when we had the privilege and pleasure to attend a play called, “The Waiting Room,” directed by Dr. Kanisha Bennett of Anointed Feet Dance. The performance was absolutely phenomenal. The play is a Christian spin-off of The Wizard of Oz or in our community the Wiz. The main character’s name is Destiny (instead of Dorothy) and it was all about the trials and tribulations she would encounter as well as the people she would meet along her journey to reach her destiny and find God’s purpose for her life. The play shared many experiences that we all have or will encounter at some point in our life journey. To see so many young, gifted, and black children demonstrate talent, technique and the fluid movements of dance was amazing. As a grandmother, I sat with extreme pride seeing dancers as young as three or four perform equally as well as the teenagers and young adult dancers.
I cannot express the admiration I have for Dr. Kanisha Bennett, not only is she the owner and founder she also serves as the artistic director, choreographer, primary instructor, and Minister of Arts for Anointed Feet Dance. She opened up this dance school with the vision to “Build stronger communities through the art of dance.
Strengthen the overall cognitive and physical health of every dancer. Create an environment that encourages dancers to pursue higher education.” Her mission is to “Inspire dancers of all ages to embrace a lasting love and appreciation for dance through creative and innovative choreography and education.” Each student who attends Anointed Feet Dance is being guided by a trained dancer who holds a Bachelor of Arts in Dance from the University of California, Riverside, a Master of Fine Arts in Performance and Choreography from Florida State University, and an Honorary Doctorate Degree of Humanities from Elbon Solutions College. This modern-day wonder woman has worked and trained extensively in contemporary, modern, jazz, hip-hop, ballet, and African dance. She also is the author of “Activate The Call,” a book about how to learn how to identify, hear and respond to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
I am writing about Anointed Feet Dance because I want our community to support them emotionally, spiritually, and financially. This school and this wonderful God-inspired teacher are blessing our children with a lasting love and appreciation for dance. She is providing a safe haven for young people to develop their body, mind, and spirit that is God-centered. Dr. Bennett’s passion is to touch as many lives as possible through the art of dance, and is excited to continue on this journey of taking the Arts back to the community with Anointed Feet Dance!
Someone once said, “God’s design is for His anointing to come upon those He finds trustworthy, to empower them to do greater things for Him.” To be blessed with an anointing, we must have an obligation to fulfill our assignment while we are here on earth. When you are anointed, the world cannot help but see you. We see you loud and proud Dr. Kanisha Bennett and Anointed Feet Dance. And we pray that you will keep on easing down the road. #anointedfeet #girlempowerment #coachwendy #sog #ffl
Healing Without Hate: It’s a choice. It’s a lifestyle. Pass it on.
Visit and to learn more. Wendy is a life strategist, coach, consultant, author, and speaker.